Whoa! I can't believe it's been over two weeks since I have blogged last - you know, the hot night in Maine where we all went swimming naked in our backyard?
Since then, life got super crazy. Instead of writing a diatribe of a blog about the last two weeks, I will just post a hell of a lot of photos, and go from there....but the gist of the story is.....we had a shot-gun Baptism for Callum, had a moving party on the same day, the movers came that Monday, packed up our home in two days, we took off to spend our remaining New England days at my parents, the movers left for Virginia, we flew to Virginia, moved into a house we have never ever stepped foot in, unpacked and now trying to adjust to life in the fast lane............oh, and should I mentioned we saved a baby bird, too.
We went lobstering out in Casco Bay...remember, when it was 104 degrees? Yeah. It was hot. Even out on the water was hotter than hell, but still better than on land! The kids had a blast together. We caught a few lobsters, and the kids helped bait the traps, band the lobsters, and all sorts of other cool stuff. It is one of our favorite Maine things to do with the kids. We will certainly miss it...
The kids learn about lobsters |
Waiting to bring in the lobster trap |
Me and my great friend, Dawn |
Our friends son threw Clara's dress overboard! Oops! She didn't care though, as she was already naked :) |
On Saturday, my brother and his family came up for the day before the Baptism. We went to Scarborough beach together. The kids had a lot of fun together. It was sad to think that our beach days were very numbered in Maine...
Lilah and Landon |
On Saturday evening, we had a shot gun Baptism. It was a last minute thing and we wanted to get it done in Maine as it proved to be quite difficult to Baptise Mairead when we lived in Virginia previously...so, we did it! And managed to tie it in with a going away party for us! The Baptism went well, but it was
soooooo hot during Mass that the Priest cut the service short! Poor Callum was too hot to wear the Baptism gown (which used to be my wedding gown) so the Priest said he could be naked! So, little Callum stayed naked through the Mass until it was time for the actual Baptism - we then got him dressed so fast! It was quite funny to see a naked baby in Church!
My brother and Carley with Callum |
Our "attempt" at a family photo before the Baptism...mind you, it was in the high 90s and we were all sweaty and hot! |
After the Baptism, we held a little going away party with our good friends at our house. It was so great to see everyone, but sad to have to say goodbye to all of our amazing family and friends. We had an awesome turn out and thank everyone for coming. The kids had a blast playing with each other. We had our infamous waterslide up and that was a huge hit with the kiddos!
Me and Kim, she was one of our very first friends here in Maine. |
Me and my love |
My mom and Mairead |
On Friday morning, my mom flew with me and the kids down to Virginia. Kevin and my dad drove our two cars down and met us down there. It just seemed surreal to think we were getting on a one way flight to Virginia and not going back "home"...The kids did awesome on the flight. Mairead and Lilah did soooo awesome! They were so excited. Clara was a little antsy, but overall, did really well, and I should mention Callum slept the entire flight. When people saw we were on their flight, the look on their faces told the story, but, our kids surprised everyone and did fantastic!
On Saturday morning we met the moving truck bright and early at our new home. It was hard to believe we would be living in a house we had never stepped foot in...you know, the crazy rental market here in Virginia kind of forced us to do so, and thanks to good friends here in Virginia, they were able to scope it out for us. The kids were so excited to watch the men unload the huge truck right in front of our house.
See all of our crap??? |
My parents were so helpful with unpacking and with helping the kids. It was great to have them here, but sad to say goodbye...it will sure be an adjustment living away from family again.
And if life wasn't exciting enough...Kevin went out into the garage the other morning and heard "chirp, chirp, chirp"- yeah, a baby bird...I called a local vet to referred me to an emergency vet who takes in wildlife animals. The man recommended us try to find the nest, and luckily, we did. Kevin placed the sweet bird back into its nest in hopes it's mother would come back or he would be strong enough to fly on his own. After a while, Kevin went back to check in on the bird, and he was gone...I'm just hoping we don't find a dead bird in our yard anytime soon! The girls think he's safe, and I hope that's true!