In my "spare time" I love to take photographs of our girls. It has been a hobby of mine for a very long time, and since I have had children, I have gotten more and more into it. Once the children get older, I would like to get more serious. In the meantime, I will continue to photograph my children, family and friends. I love traveling and cannot wait to do more of it! I love sports and staying active. I recently started running and have lost almost 20 pounds since having our third child. I hope we can instill how important an active lifestyle is to our girls.
Here are 25 random facts about me:
1. I have been on national television - Live! with Regis and Kelly. I entered a contest for Live! Dream Date Search. It was a total joke when I entered and never thought in a million years I'd be chosen. It was an all expense paid trip to NYC!
I may not have won a "dream date" with the guy, but I sure did get an "unexpected" prize from it all! You can read about our story HERE
2. I got reacquainted with Kevin after he saw me on my national TV stint (see #1). He saw me on TV and said "Hey! I know that girl" - we talked for a while, and then saw each other in August 2004 - engaged December 2004 and Married in September 2005. What are the chances of some guy, watching Live with Regis and Kelly on the same day/time as I was on???????? Must be fate.
3. Our first born was a honeymoon baby - Barcelona, Spain to be exact!
4. I HATE feet - but I LOVE to have MY feet rubbed.
5. I have NEVER even tasted coffee - the smell alone makes me want to hurl - why would I drink something that smells so horrid???
6. I find the process of giving birth invigorating. I gave birth to both of my girls without any pain medication. I would do it all over again in a heart beat. It was the most amazing experience of my life.
7. I actually LOVE the newborn and infant stage. I would do it over and over again if I could.
8. I nursed both of my girls together until Mairead weaned herself at 29 months of age. It was such an amazing experience. I never thought in a MILLION years that I would nurse both of my children at the same time, but I am so glad I did. It was such a special time for both of my girls. I also nursed Lilah & Clara together, too. Lilah is 33 months and just stopping now. Clara continues.
9. I dress my girls in nice clothes every day. What I mean by nice isn't "designer clothes" but clean, cute clothes that match and are coordinated. Their hair is always done and they are clean. I think the way my children look is a direct representation of me - if they look like slobs, and are dirty - then it makes me look like a slob.
10. In correlation to #9 - I hate things that don't match. Everything must match and/or coordinate.
11. I miss my job on somedays, but overall, I wouldn't give up the opportunity to stay home and raise my girls.
12. I am a horrible procrastinator, and I mean horrible. I have always been like this, and it is hard for me NOT to procrastinate! I try, but it just doesn't work :)
13. I hate veggies - there are only a few select salad items I will eat.
14. I don't drink milk - but I love dairy, yogurt and cheese.
15. I love the beach - I love everything about it actually. The smell of the ocean - the sounds - the feeling of sand between my toes - I love how it makes you so hungry and relaxed. I am so glad to be living near that again.
16. I am trying to improve my photography skills so I can do some volunteer work for the "Now I lay me down to sleep" foundation (http://www.nowilaymedowntosleep.org/). Something I have always cherished when I had these "special" patients/families. If I am not working, this is something I can do to help make a difference.
17. I love to travel. I have been to several European countries (Spain x3, France, Italy, Greece and Turkey) as well as Mexico and several Caribbean islands. I look forward to the day where Kevin and I can do more.
18. I love to drive fast - though have given that up for the most part since I usually have precious cargo with me!
19. I HATE the cold - though I LOVE New England. Go Figure.
20. I was on the waterski team in college. I actually was the president of the club and woman's team captain. Who knew a New Englander would do such a thing in College!?! I didn't!
21. I am fairly fluent in Spanish.
22. I love the feeling of a sleeping baby on my chest.
23. I love to shop. I think I am pretty good about getting good deals. I rarely buy any clothing that is full price.
24. I am NOT a morning person. It takes me forever to get out of bed. My oldest daughter, Mairead, has inherited that wonderful trait.
25. I have not been to a movie theater since February 2005. When Kevin and I get the opportunity to go out, we'd rather go out so we can talk and have conversation. We can always watch a movie at home.