Happy Birthday to our sweet Clara Belly. Three years ago today you entered our little family on a beautifully clear September day. Your name perfectly fit the day and the meaning of the name has fit you just perfectly - clear and bright - I will never forget your birthday because it was just so perfect in every way.
The last year you have grown up so much. You have started to come out of your shell and show others the contagious smile and bright personality you show us at home. You definitely play hardball with others and it has been difficult for you to let them into your space. Sometimes you shut down, not talk, and just aren't yourself - I hate to use the word shy, because you so aren't shy, but you definitely acted that way. Thankfully, those times are becoming few and far between and when it does, it doesn't take you long to open up to others and show them your seriously silly and sweet, lovable side. You do things in your own time that's for sure. You don't take any crap from anyone, and if you don't want to do something, you ain't gonna do it.

In the last four months, you have really started to blossom. You will now talk to people who talk to you, you are taking dance class and loving it and actually participating, you are finally asking for swim lessons, and having play dates with your very own friend! You got your ears pierced, though mommy had to bribe you a little, but it actually worked! You finally decided that the trail-a-bike is a lot of fun and you should try it and now you love it! You are such a big girl now! Daddy and I just look at you and can't believe how big you are getting right before our very eyes.
2 year birthday photo |
October 2011 |
March 2012 |
April 2012 |
July 2012 |
August 2012 |
You are so very smart, too. Yesterday you were watching a musical show while the big girls were at school, I peeked around the corner and you were copying the dancers on TV perfectly. I love hearing you sing. I love your big belly button. I love your blonde curls and your glowing blue eyes. I love hearing you talk. I love hearing you mimic mamma when you talk to Callum. And your temper tantrums make me laugh on the inside. I love how you figured out how to pump on the swing all by yourself. I love your drive to be independent. I love your strength. I love how tight you hug. I love when you snuggle next to me in the middle of the night. I could go on and on...
and on.
September 2009 - she looks like she's in heaven... |
The one last piece of baby left in you is your desire to nurse before bed. While you don't nurse every night, you do nurse the majority of nights before bed. It's quick but seriously sweet. Last night you asked to nurse, and I made a comment about you being three tomorrow and maybe being too big to nurse, and your response "but I two!" - You were right, so mommy let you have it :) - it's hard to deny such a beautifully sweet little girl who asks in a way that just melts my heart. I know your days of nursing are limited, so I try to take in the sweetness each time because I never know when it will be your last.

Ah, Clara...how can you be 3? Time just goes by so fast and no matter how much I try to slow down and enjoy every piece of our life with little ones, time keeps moving. I love watching you grow and change and explore, but I just love your sweetness when you are little and innocent. I have a feeling 3 is going to be a good year for you! I see you blossoming before my eyes, wanting to do things you have never wanted to do before, and it is just awesome.
Here is to another beautiful year of change for our beautifully bright Clara....Happy 3rd birthday sweet girl. Mommy and Daddy look forward to celebrating you. Hugs & Kisses. xoxo