Kevin: "What? No. Seriously? Why?"
That was basically the gist of my conversation with Kevin over last summer. I had considered cloth diapering back when I was pregnant with Lilah, but I was intimidated over the increased laundry load, and had decided against it. I guess at the time, I really didn't do enough research about cloth diapering to realize the laundry isn't that big of a deal, especially when you have loads of laundry to do already - what's another load?
So back over the summer, I thoroughly researched cloth diapers to see if it would really be worth trying out. The answer was yes, and if I didn't like it, I could always sell them. I decided to buy a few for Lilah to see if I liked it before the baby was born. I started off with several fuzzi bunz, 1 bum genius pocket and 1 happy heiny pocket. It was surely a learning curve, but the pocket diapers are so close to disposables, it was an easy transition. Lilah was potty training at the moment, so I was only using 2-3 dipes per day, and washing the diapers every other day. I liked it, and it was fun dressing her bum in cute little dipes and washing them wasn't bad at all!

When Clara was born, Kevin's mom and my mom were generous enough to buy everything I needed to cloth diaper Clara until she was about 3-4 months old. We had 5 fitteds (kissaluvs & thirsties), 4 thirsties duo covers, 2 fleece bummis covers and 2 dozen unbleached prefolds. Once she got big enough, she started wearing the pocket diapers, too. So now, we rotate through my favorite Blueberry pockets (cotton & minky), Bum Genius Organic AIO (all-in-one) and a few Fuzzi Bunz pockets. Since they are one size, Clara will be wearing these until she is POTTY TRAINED! We do use disposables on an occasional basis, but that's it. Lilah is strictly in cloth diapers for naps and night, or the occasional very long car ride.
It's fun putting the fun prints on Clara! The diapers are definitely more bulky than disposables, but she's still little, and has lots of time to grow into them. They aren't quite so bulky on Lilah. I still do one load of cloth diapers every other day, and since it's winter, I dry them in front of our pellet stove - which saves money on drying them in the dryer. In the summer, they go outside and dry in the sun. It definitely isn't as intimidating as it sounds, and cloth diapers have come a long, long way - just ask my mom or Kevin's mom. They were shocked to see the new age cloth diapers were easy and comfy looking in comparison to what they used when we were little rug rats.
I say if you're on the fence - try it out! It's quite easy...just a slight learning curve.
Ok, you have certainly sparked my interest. If we go for number 4 I will be calling you about this one.
ReplyDeleteI wrote this a while ago, and I think you would really be pleasantly surprised!
ReplyDeleteI love the brown with pink polka dots, very cute! We have only basic colors and two printed!
ReplyDeleteThanks! That is one of my Blueberry pockets...the blueberry's have some AWESOME prints! I was able to get them all on sale during their "black Friday" sale.
ReplyDeleteok I want to know your wash routine...having problems with my pocket diapers :(
ReplyDeleteSuch adorable prints!!! I haven't tried Blueberry dipes, but your post has sparked my interest. Right now my faves are the BumGenius pockets, BG all-in-ones, and the FuzziBunz pockets. The Thirsties covers over prefolds are definitely economical, but they seem SO bulky to me! Maybe I'm not folding them right...I'm still getting the hang of this. :) I do like the Thirsties covers over their fitted dipes.